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2011.09-2016.06 best365官网登录入口 动力工程及工程热物理 博士

2013.11-2014.04 克兰菲尔德大学推进工程研究中心 能源与动力工程专业联培博士

2007.09-2011.06 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程及其自动化/国际贸易 学士


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2017.07-2018.06 密西根大学安娜堡校区 访问学者











1.2018-2020 国家自然科学基金青年项目:燃气轮机气路故障多学科影响及其平行诊断方法研究,负责人;

2.2019-2022 国家自然科学基金面上项目:多物理场作用下的燃气轮机高温叶片全运行周期寿命模型研究,第一参与人;

3.2019-2021 中国科协青年人才托举工程项目:基于可解释数据驱动模型的航空发动机***,负责人;

4.2018-2020 中国石油智慧管网项目:长输天然气管网在线经济性分析系统开发,负责人;

5.2018-2021 国家管网科研项目:压缩机组动态效率监测系统,负责人;

6.2021-2022 江苏电科院科研项目:基于大数据分析的电力市场和碳市场相互作用机理研究技术服务,负责人;

7.2021-2021 国家管网科研项目:基于机器学习管道模型的压缩机组运行优化算法研究,负责人;

8.2020-2021 江苏电科院科技项目:综合能源系统在线仿真与可靠调度技术研究与应用,负责人;

9.2022-2023 格霖海事科技项目:清洁船舶动力系统研发,负责人;

10.2022-2023 国家管网西部管道公司:长输天然气管道压缩机组PHM技术研究,负责人。


1.Zhou D J*, Huang D W, Jia X Y, et al. Study on the maintenance scheduling model for compressor units of long-distance natural gas networks considering actual maintenance demands[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021: 104065. 

2.Zhou D J*, Yan S Y, Huang D W, et al. Modeling and simulation of the hydrogen blended gas-electricity integrated energy system and influence analysis of hydrogen blending modes[J]. Energy, 2022, 239: 121629.

3.Zhou D J*, Ma S X, Hao J R, et al. An electricity load forecasting model for Integrated Energy System based on BiGAN and transfer learning[J]. Energy Reports, 2020, 6: 3446-3461.

4.Zhou D J*, Ma S X, Huang D W, Zhang H S, Weng S L. An operating state estimation model for integrated energy systems based on distributed solution. Frontiers in Energy, 2020.

5.Zhou D J*, Yao Q B, Wu H, Ma S X, Zhang H S. Fault diagnosis of gas turbine based on partly interpretable convolutional neural networks. Energy, 2020, 200: 117467.

6.Ma S X, Zhou D J*, Zhang H S, Weng S L, Shao T M. Modeling and operational optimization based on energy hubs for complex energy networks with distributed energy resources. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2018, 141(2): 022002.

7.Huang D W, Zhou D J*, Hao J, et al. A discrete optimal control model for the distributed energy system considering multiple disturbance inputs[J]. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2021.

8.Huang D W, Zhou D J*, Jia X, et al. A mixed integer optimization method with double penalties for the complete consumption of renewable energy in distributed energy systems[J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2022, 52: 102061.

9.Zhou D J*, Jia X, Ma S X, et al.Dawen Huang, Jiarui Hao, Taotao Li. Dynamic simulation of natural gas pipeline network based on interpretable machine learning model. Energy, 2022, 124068.

10.Zhou D J*, Huang D W, Hao J, et al. Fault diagnosis of gas turbines with thermodynamic analysis restraining the interference of boundary conditions based on STN, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021(191): 106053


1.石油化工及其自动化行业科技进步二等奖 (省部级,排名第四)

